I AM BORN -2017

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me
I am a free human being with an independent will - Charlotte Bronte

Hi, everyone!!!
So, this is my first time blogging sebenernya udah mau blogging sejak 2014 dan aktif dalam seminggu sekali, however my mood is not good but this is already 2017 and why not i just started it now?! I hope you guys will helped me and fighting!!!

This week about i match my outfit for this shoot
: COTTONINK @cottonink
                  In size M, actually i used size S, but S already sold out
Shoes : Fladeo Shoes
Mini Bag : Matahari Dept. Store
Navy Jacket : Preloved (forgot the store)
Baseball Cap : Online store (E-commerce)
Watch : Mirage (i used everyday)

In the middle of shoot we met with this buttefly (my friend took it) for the first i was bewildered why it doesnt fly and after seen the picture
i just know that. Part of her wings broke

My friend did this braid for me, I WAS INSANE!!!!!!

 Snappie first, because the makeup and light on point!!!

contact me on; Instagram : sylvi.carolineSnapchat  : sylvicaroline32E-mail      : sylvi_caroline@yahoo.com


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